
How To Download Music On Windows 10

How to Download Music Legally to Windows Media Player

By Stephen Lilley

i Digital Vision./Digital Vision/Getty Images

When you hear the phrase "downloading music," it is only natural to presume that someone is engaging in copyright infringement over the Cyberspace. That is not, nonetheless, necessarily the instance all the time. You tin use Windows Media Thespian (or more than specifically, the digital media store that is built into the program) to legally download music to both your reckoner'southward hard drive and your Windows Media Player library.

Stride ane

Click "Start."

Step 2

Click "All Programs."

Stride 3

Click "Windows Media" then "Windows Media Player" to launch the Windows Media Player software on your computer.

Stride four

Click the "Browse All Online Stores" push in the lower-left corner of the Windows Media Player programme window. This will take you to a new screen allowing you to choose one of the four compatible online music stores you'd similar to download music from. To make your selection, click on the logo for the store you'd like to utilise.

Footstep five

Search for a vocal y'all'd like to download. Yous tin can search by artist, genre, track proper noun or album name. One time you observe a vocal that you're interested in downloading, click in one case on the "Download" button. Certain songs will cost money to download (prices volition be as marked), while others will be free (and clearly indicated every bit free). If you need to pay for a vocal, yous must do and then using a debit or credit card. In one case you initiate payment, the music will be legally downloaded to your Windows Media Player library and simultaneously exist saved on your reckoner's hard drive.


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